Like all other organs, your eyes rely on multiple nutrients to stay healthy. Eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients can help you keep your eyes healthy for many years to come. No matter how healthy your eyes are and how clear your vision may be, you should still take steps to maintain a healthy diet to protect them. Today we're going to be focusing more on what foods should you be incorporating into your diet in order to boost or support your eyes?

It is believed that lutein and zeaxanthin, two of the most important carotenoids that serve as antioxidants, absorb directly into the retina, protecting the tissue from sun damage, smoking, and air pollution. Including antioxidants in your diet may also lower the overall incidence of disease and prevent the deterioration of the cells in your eyes. Foods that contain antioxidants, like leafy greens and berries, also provide other nutrients.

Vitamin C and E
Two powerful vitamins maintain the health of your tissues, including those in your eyes. Vitamin E is one of those vitamins most people lack. Luckily, it's an easy fix. Nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils can provide VE in large quantities.

It is vital that you don't have a zinc deficiency in your diet. Zinc is a mineral found in seafood like crabs and oysters, as well as in whole grains and eggs.

Omega-3 fatty acids
It is known that omega-3 fatty acids from fish like salmon and sardines prevent inflammation in the heart and brain. These benefits may also apply to your eyes. The Omega-3 fatty acids you get from tuna sandwiches might help the cells in your eyes function more efficiently and safely.

About beta-carotene
A nutrient essential to the health of the eyes, beta-carotene can be converted into Vitamin A in the body to prevent corneal damage. Beta-carotene can also prevent night-blindness from developing. As a result, chewing on some carrots will help keep your eyes strong and healthy. However, carrots will not totally eradicate the need for glasses. A diet high in beta-carotene does not improve vision. However, it can help ensure your vision is as sharp as it can be. By itself, beta-carotene plays a role in keeping your vision from unnecessary damage, as a poor diet can lead to vision loss.